2022 – 2023 Attendance Policy Reminder

2022 – 2023 Attendance Policy Reminder

Welcome to the Attendance Policy for the Muscatine Commuinity School District

Refer to Board Policy 501.2

School hours for grades K-5 are 8:10 AM to 3:05 PM. Students are expected to be in class and to make attendance a top priority. Only through attendance and class participation do students achieve the benefits of the education program. Participating in class discussion, developing an appreciation for the views and abilities of other students, and forming the habit of regular attendance are legitimate class objectives. Learning lost due to an absence can never be replaced. Regular attendance and being well-prepared for class helps students in school as well as prepares students for adulthood.

Students who know they will be absent must notify the office prior to the absence. If advance notification is not possible, parents or guardians must notify the office on the day of the absence prior to 9:00 AM. If the school is not notified, the office may call to verify the student’s absence. A reason must be provided to the office to explain a student absence.

The school determines whether an absence is excused or unexcused. Excused absences include, but are not limited to, illness, family emergency, recognized religious observances, and school activities. Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to, tardiness, shopping, hunting, concerts, preparation or participation in parties or other celebrations and employment. Students are expected to be in class on time. Being tardy for class is considered an unexcused absence unless approved by the principal.

Students who arrive after 8:10 AM will be counted tardy. Students who arrive after the school day has begun must provide a reason to the office. Students who need to leave school during the school day will be counted absent if leaving before 2:00 PM. Students that leave after 2:00 PM will be given an afternoon tardy.

Students participating in school activities must be in school at least one-half day on the day of the event in order to participate in a school activity. The remaining half-day must be an excused absence. Only in extraordinary circumstances, may this rule be waived by the principal.

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