MHS will have EXTENDED HOURS ON MONDAY, AUG. 1 UNTIL 6PM for Registration Assistance (8AM-6PM) and Yearbook Pick Up (9AM-6PM). Please enter through the MHS Main Entrance Doors. There are a limited number of yearbooks to be purchased if you would like to purchase one – $56.
Fees and Activity passes can also be purchased! You can also drop off completed forms — Medical/Nurse, Food & Nutrition, Athletic.
Plan On Participating in a Sport/Powderpuff or other Activity This Year? Athletic Paperwork Drop Off will take place on August 3rd from 2-6PM. Need a Physical? Contact Mrs. Stoltzfus in the AD Office or call MHS at 563-263-6141 option 4.
Note: MHS Picture Day will not take place until Monday, Sept. 12th!