SCJH Daily Announcements 08/29/2022

Welcome Susan Clark Muskies!


Today is: Monday August 29, 2022


Lunch today is: BBQ Pork Rib or Mini Corn Dogs


Cross Country: First meet this Friday September 2nd against Pleasant Valley at 4:00pm


Susan Clark Muskies,

 If you are looking for a way to get involved this school year we invite you to join the Student Council. The first meeting will be Wednesday, August 31 right after school in room 14. Please see or email Mrs. Castillo with any questions! 


 Any 7th or 8th grader interested in playing Volleyball, Football, Cross Country, or Pom must have their paperwork turned in to Mrs. Hyink before they can practice

*Please turn the paperwork into the Main Office or to Mrs. Hyink ASAP!!*

-Remember there is Sports Practice Every Day-



7th grade students. 

If you would like to make money for working at our HOME football games, please sign up near the Safety Office, and talk to Mr. Wright.


*Please check the lost and found TODAY! Anything left behind will be donated or thrown away  located  inside the cafeteria.


You can view our lunch menu here


Please stand and join us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. (5 second pause)


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.  One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Have a Great First Day!!!

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