SCJH Morning Announcements 09/13/2022

Welcome Susan Clark Muskies!


Today is: Tuesday September 13, 2022


Lunch Today is:

Crispito w/ Cheese Sauce


Bosco Sticks w/ Marinara


Picture Day is Coming up Monday Sep 19, 2022

Remember:Smiles are always in fashion!


Are you interested in joining the SCJH Builders Club? Our goal is to build school culture and positively impact the Muscatine Community. We are going to do a lot of exciting projects this year including birthdays/attendance signs on lockers, dances, and monthly service projects! 

Something new that we are starting this year is concession stands for junior high sporting events. Students will get to learn how to sell snacks, make popcorn, and count money. We need workers for Tuesdays and Thursdays in September. Most games start after school and are done by 6:00 pm. We are starting this week! If you are interested in helping out, please contact Mrs. Duran or Mrs. Proehl. 


TODAY, the Student Council will be selling snacks during passing times, between 7th and 8th period. Snacks must be purchased with cash or coins and the cost is 50 cents a snack.  Bottled water will be available as well.  Snack shop will be located near the library. 


– There is Sports Practice Every Day-


The Bulletin Board is open for artwork, ask Mrs.Schlawin in the library for details,

 feel free to turn in artwork at the box, be sure to Print Your Name On The Back!

We will look at the box on Friday to approve the artwork and staple it up,

 all artwork that is unapproved will be returned on Monday.

-Bailey, from the Beautification Team.



*Please check the Lost and Found TODAY! Anything left behind will be Donated or thrown away  located  inside the cafeteria.


You can view our lunch menu here


Please stand and join us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. (5 second pause)


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.  One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Have a Wonderful Day!!!

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