** MHS Daily News & Information ** Home of the Muskies! 2022-23 MHS Bell Schedules
2022-23 Semester 1 Finals Schedule: 2022-23 Semester 1 Finals Schedule
MHS Hours: 7:45AM-4PM Monday-Friday
MHS Main Phone #: 563-263-6141
MHS phone system and menu. Please listen to the menu to select the proper department. For Spanish assistance please press 5.
- Press 1 – Attendance (or call directly at 563-263-6616)
- Press 2 – Student Services, Transcripts and Grade Level Counselors
- Press 3 – MHS Nurse
- Press 4 – Athletics
- Press 5 – Spanish Assistance
- For all other calls, please stay on the line or press 0 for assistance or to leave a voicemail.
Announcements in Green – New
Announcements in Blue – Previous Day
Announcements in Black – 2 Days or older by request
- Boys’ Track Meeting: There will be a Boys’ Track Meeting on Tuesday, January 31 during Muskie Time in Coach Rusch’s room (21-022). This is an informational meeting for anyone who plans to or is considering participating in boys track this spring. Sign up for the meeting on Adaptive Scheduler using Boys Track. If you have any questions or want to be requested, please see Coach Rusch or email him at mark.rusch@mcsdonline.org Track Sign Up Form
- ** THIS FRIDAY — DON’T MISS IT! ** MHS Boosters’ 33rd Annual Cake Auction will be held at MHS on Friday, January 27th, 2023.
The cake auction is held during the Boys and Girls Basketball Doubleheader vs Davenport North at Muscatine High School. Our Cake Auction theme this year is:
“Decades; 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s & 00!” MHS Boosters’ 33rd Annual Cake Auction - Transcripts: To request an official transcript from Muscatine High School, please use the link below to make your request. Official transcripts are sent directly from our MHS Registrar’s Office. Muscatine High School Transcript Request Link
- Silver Cord Opportunities: For all Silver Cord Opportunities see the Silver Cord section below!
- Parents, Guardians, Community – Daily Announcements: If you would like to receive Daily Announcements, please subscribe to the MHS Parent Square subscription group: MHS Daily Announcements Subscription Link
- NEW SCHOLARSHIP ADDED! 2022-23 Scholarships: 2022-23 Scholarships. (These scholarships are in addition to MCC & Greater Foundation scholarships!)
- MHS Activities Jan. 23-28, 2023: Jan. 23-28, 2023 MHS Activities
- Part Time Employment at Geneva Country Club: Grounds Crew Members. Starting pay is $10 hr.
We offer flexible scheduling and free golf on Monday’s. We can work with students’ schedules. Students work outside. Job duties include: mowing, weed eating, raking bunkers, divot repair, landscaping flower beds, helping with golf course projects, golf tournament prep, and other duties as needed. If interested, please contact Chad Shafer at (608) 477-8686 Cell or (563)263-1350 Maintenance Facility, or email cshafer@genevacc.com - Basketball Apparel For Sale in Student Services: Boys’ Basketball has short and long sleeve t-shirts for sale: 1 for $15 or 3 for $40. Sizes XS-XXL available.
- Micaela Brunson Memorial Blood Drive: Any MHS Students or Staff interested in donating blood on Friday, February 3rd 2023, need to sign-up with Key Club members or email Mrs. Keltner at jen.keltner@mcsdonline.org. Walk-ins will NOT be taken for this blood drive. Donors need to have a scheduled time between 8:00 am to 12:00 in the Van Hecke Center Gym. Students under 17 need to have a signed permission slip. Micaela Brunson Memorial Blood Drive Info
- Component Recovery (CR) begins TODAY. CR gives students who received an ‘F’ with 52% or higher, an opportunity to earn a passing grade and receive credit for the class rather than lose a credit and have to retake the class. Your teacher(s) should be reaching out to you if you are eligible and should be listed in your Adaptive Scheduler. A communication was sent to parents and students via ParentSquare regarding this info on Jan. 13.
- Students: Starting 2nd Semester, if you leave a class for drinks or the restroom, once you receive approval from your teacher with SmartPass, simply leave your phone in the teacher’s designated area prior to leaving and you can pick it up when you return. A communication was sent to parents and students via ParentSquare regarding this info on Jan. 13.
- 2023 Race for the Schools Poster Contest: This year the race will be held on Saturday, May 6th.
To help get the word out about the race, the committee is once again having a contest for students to create a Race for the Schools Poster. The student that designs the winning poster will receive a FREE ENTRY to the 2023 Muscatine Race for the Schools. The winning poster will be printed and distributed throughout the schools and in Muscatine to advertise the race.- All students are invited to create a poster. The poster can be anything that you like about running or anything that you think will motivate people to register and run or walk the race. Some details about the race will be added after the winning design is selected.
- All Posters must be turned in to Daphne at the MCSD Administration Center, no later than February 10, 2023. MAKE SURE you include your name, grade and your school on the back of the poster.
- Please email a PDF copy of the poster to racefortheschools@mcsdonline.org.or drop off your poster at the Muscatine Schools Administration Center (2900 Mulberry Ave) or give the poster to your art teacher and they can send it to the Administration Center.
- The Race Committee will determine the top 5 Posters. The public will be able to vote online for their favorite race poster February 14 – February 28. Visit our WEBSITE for more information: https://www.muscatineracefortheschools.org/
- The 2023 Race Poster Winner will be announced on March 1, 2023. The winning student will be recognized at the March 20 School Board Meeting.
- FFA Meeting has been moved to Jan 24th during Muskie Time.
- MHS Impactful Staff Nomination: Students, the Instructional Team at MHS wants to highlight some of the amazing things that are happening throughout our building, but we need your help. Please consider nominating a teacher (or multiple teachers) for the wonderful things they do inside and outside of the classroom. This can be related to specific lessons they have taught, their teaching style, their ability to build relationships, their involvement in extracurricular activities or anything else you feel is relevant and necessary. These types of shout outs are incredibly rewarding for teachers, so please make their day! Please complete this form if you would like to nominate a staff member!: Staff Nomination Form
- 11th & 12th Grade Students – ACT Sign-Up: If you would like to take the ACT at the high school on April 4th 2023 at 8:30am, you need to complete this form on or by the end of the day February 3rd, 2023. The school will cover the cost of this testing date only. There will be no late sign ups as testing accommodations and orders need to be made at this time. You do NOT need to fill out this form if you are NOT planning on taking the ACT. April 4th District ACT Sign Up
- Seal of Biliteracy Informational Session-Feb 2: Attention Future Graduates! Are you fluent in more than one language? If so, earning the Seal of Biliteracy might be the thing for you! More information to come during a February 2nd Muskie Time session! Reminders to sign up will be sent out that week! Get ready! This information session will outline when the test is, what is on the test, and how to prepare!
- 11th & 12th Grade Girls: FREE Prom Dresses at The Muskie Boutique! Please complete the form to set up an appointment during lunch or after school. Sizes available are from 0 to 24. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Borde in the Main Office. Prom Dress Appointment Form (Prom is on April 29, 2023 at The Merrill Hotel.)
- Food Services Info: The “Why the Sub Not?” Sub Sandwich line is now by the gym doors & the Passport & Lunchbox line will be where the sub line was. Thank you & we apologize for any inconvenience!
Just a reminder that you may order sub sandwiches & chef salads online using the link below. We do ask that you place your order by 9:30 am, each day. During your meal session, you may look for the pre-order sign near the front of the sub line, follow the arrows & tell the team member your last name. Students will be given their sandwich or salad on a tray so that they may select at least 1 fruit or vegetable from the black salad bar & go to the cashier. Sub Sandwich & Chef Salad Order Form
If you do not place your order by 9:30 am, we will still make subs or salads for you, but you will have to wait in line.
- FFA Merchandise: If you missed the store for FFA Merchandise- it is now on the school Phelps Site: FFA Merchandise Link
- MHS Yearbook Sales: $56 Deadline to order is May 1, 2023 Yearbook Order Information
- Student Lockers: All students will have a locker assigned to them. Students will need to log into Powerschool (not on the app), select Reports then 2022-23 Locker Report and it will give them their locker # and locker combination.
- 2022-23 Bell Schedules: 2022-23 MHS Bell Schedules
- Entrance Doors: Doors open at 7:45AM. Bus riders and students being dropped off, please enter through the Commons entrance. Students driving and parking in the Cedar Street Parking Lot, please enter through the “Muskie M” doors. Students driving and parking in the Bonnie Street Parking Lot, enter through the “Gymnasium / Swim Entrance #1” doors. If arriving after 8:15AM, please enter through the Main Entrance.
- MCSD 2022-23 Meal Program: USDA did not extend free meals to schools this year unless your Family qualifies by completing a meal application or through state programs through DHS. Please note that only one Iowa Eligibility Application for free or reduced meals needs to be completed per household, each school year. To apply electronically: please go to www.muscatine.k12.ia.us (hover over Department & Programs, click on Food & Nutrition & scroll down on the page) Full communication:
2022-23 MCSD Meal Program Letter - Driver’s Ed: To register for upcoming Driver’s Ed sessions, please visit: mbaea.org/student-programs/driver-education
- Parents: SMS Text Opt In Feature for School Messenger: SMS_Text Opt-In Flyer/Instructions
- MHS Parents & Students: The Powerschool Mobile App is a great resource to have! Mobile App Instructions
- Google Classroom: All high school staff use Google Classroom to display assigned work. If your child is missing from school, they can always access their work via Google Classroom. As a parent/guardian, you can request your student’s teachers to add you to their assignment list so that you will have “View Only” access.
** 12th Grade Important Dates/Information **
- Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine Scholarships: The scholarship portal is open and waiting for you to apply for scholarships!
CFGM Scholarship Portal – Login Here Available Scholarships - Graduation Cap & Gown: If you have not purchased your cap and gown. Please stop down to Student Services to see Mrs. Meeker or Mrs. Meineke.
- 11th & 12th Grade Students – ACT Sign-Up: If you would like to take the ACT at the high school on April 4th 2023 at 8:30am, you need to complete this form on or by the end of the day February 3rd, 2023. The school will cover the cost of this testing date only. There will be no late sign ups as testing accommodations and orders need to be made at this time. You do NOT need to fill out this form if you are NOT planning on taking the ACT. April 4th District ACT Sign Up
- Seal of Biliteracy Informational Session-Feb 2: Attention Future Graduates!
Are you fluent in more than one language? If so, earning the Seal of Biliteracy might be the thing for you! More information to come during a February 2nd Muskie Time session! Reminders to sign up will be sent out that week! Get ready! This information session will outline when the test is, what is on the test, and how to prepare! - 11th & 12th Grade Girls: FREE Prom Dresses at The Muskie Boutique! Please complete the form to set up an appointment during lunch or after school. Sizes available are from 0 to 24. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Borde in the Main Office. Prom Dress Appointment Form. (Prom is on April 29, 2023 at The Merrill Hotel.)
- 2022-23 Scholarships: 2022-23 Scholarships (Keep checking for newly added scholarships!)
- May 21: Graduation Day – 2PM MHS Stadium (unless inclement weather then MHS Gymnasium)
** Athletics/Activities Information **
- MHS Activities Jan. 16-21, 2023: Jan. 16-21, 2023 MHS Activities
- MHS Boosters’ 33rd Annual Cake Auction will be held at MHS on Friday, January 27th, 2023.
The cake auction is held during the Boys and Girls Basketball Doubleheader vs Davenport North at Muscatine High School. Our Cake Auction theme this year is:
“Decades; 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s & 00!” MHS Boosters’ 33rd Annual Cake Auction
Building our community and foundation one step at time, we encourage individuals and businesses to donate cakes or attend the auction to purchase a cake.
Cake Registry link: https://forms.gle/hkcCds7UwZs4uC7s8
If you are unable to donate a cake or attend the cake auction, but would still like to support MHS Boosters, we have included our venmo QR code and the Community Foundation link! You are also welcome to send a check to the high school, Attn: Muskie Boosters, 2705 Cedar St, Muscatine IA 52761.
Community Foundation Donation Link: https://cfgm.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/fund?funit_id=3079
Venmo QR Code: Muskie Boosters Venmo QR Code - MHS CAPE Donation List: Here’s a new way to support CAPE (Carnival After Prom Extravaganza)! Purchase items off the CAPE gift list and they’ll be given away to students during CAPE on April 29th/30th. CAPE Amazon Donation List Info
Amazon Wish List: Amazon Wish List - Boys’ Tennis Sign Up for Spring of 2023: If interested in playing Boys’ Tennis this Spring, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/KEjNJ1xPCQJpsA6b7
- Visit MHS Official Activities Site for updates to schedules, rosters & directions.
- Follow @MuskieActivitie on Twitter for MHS activities & athletic updates and information.
- Athletic Punch Pass/Card for adults are $40 and can be purchased at the MHS Attendance Center or at the gate during events. This Punch Card allows you 10 admissions into all sporting events except regional & state competitions, most vocal, orchestra, and band events, and the fall drama production.
- Student Activity Passes are available for sale at the Attendance Center for $50. This pass allows you admission into all sporting events except regional & state competitions, most vocal, orchestra, and band events, and the fall drama production.
- Visit MHS Official Activities Site for updates to schedules, rosters & directions.
- Athletic Forms: Parent Permission Form Concussion Form Physical Form
** College & Military Visits **
- Air Force Info: If you are interested in Air Force information, please contact TSgt Allison Bell, Air Force & Space Force Recruiter, Moline, IL. Phone: 319-350-8401
- United States Coast Guard – Information for Seniors: We currently have hiring bonuses up to $50,000 for interested individuals, which are detailed in the “Coast Guard Career Hiring Bonuses” attachment. I’ve also attached a Benefits Flyer that goes over what the Coast Guard does as a military branch, and benefits of military service. Please feel free to post this in your school alongside other military branch information for students to look over.
The United States Coast Guard offers both full time and part time service opportunities, and are primarily located within the United States. As a military branch, we conduct humanitarian missions, including response to natural disasters like hurricanes and oil spills, and our branch’s focus is centered around protecting our people and waterways. We operate under the Department of Homeland Security, making our main missions Search and Rescue, Law Enforcement, and Environment Protection. We have 19 different career fields, including Healthcare, HR, Law Enforcement, and Trade careers. If you have an interest for military service or are unsure of steps after graduation, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via this email – Lauren.A.Shields@uscg.mil. Coast Guard Benefits Flyer Coast Guard Career Hiring Bonuses
** Forms **
- Transcripts: To request an official transcript from Muscatine High School, please use the link below to make your request. Official transcripts are sent directly from our MHS Registrar’s Office. Muscatine High School Transcript Request Link
- Silver Cord Form: Students recording hours of volunteer service during their years at MHS will be awarded a Silver Cord to wear at graduation. In order for volunteer hours to count towards a Silver Cord, STUDENTS must complete the online form to verify. Silver Cord Form
- ALL STUDENTS DRIVING TO SCHOOL: ALL students driving to school will need to complete a Vehicle Registration Form for a new MHS Parking Tag. This parking tag will be used until the Class of 2025 graduates. The form is available online Vehicle Registration Form, MHS Attendance or Student Services office. Completed forms should be returned to the Student Services office. Students with an MHS Parking Tag can park in the Bonnie Dr. or Cedar St. parking lots.
- DOT Minor School License Form: DOT Minor School License Form Forms are available in the MHS Main Office – Rm-11-001. (You must have completed Driver’s Ed in order to submit this form.) Instructions: Please complete Sections 1 and 3. (Leave Section 2 blank) and return to the Main Office.
- Parking Tags – Staff & Students: If you drive to school, you must display your MHS parking tag in your vehicle. If you do not have a tag, please go to Student Services for a form. Currently you are receiving a reminder, however in the future, you will be fined $5 and an orange sticker will be placed on your vehicle.
- Parking Tag Reminder: Reminder that students are to use the same parking tag from the previous year. It will be a $5 charge for all lost parking tags. If you have not received a parking tag or have not registered your vehicle, please fill out the “new vehicle registration form” located under the forms section of the announcements. Forms can be turned into Mrs. Meineke or Mrs. Meeker in the student services. Vehicle Registration Form.pdf
** Fundraisers **
- Muskie Store is Open! The district has partnered with Phelps Custom Apparel to offer our staff, families, and community Muskie Apparel! This online store does not close meaning that it remains open for all of your Muskie clothing needs throughout the year.
Go to: Phelps Muskie Store and check it out! - Jostens Muskie School Store: Do you want Muskie Spirit Wear/Accessories or to give as a gift?
Visit Jostens Muskie School Store
** Job Opportunities **
- Seasonal Job Opportunities – Louisa County Conservation – 4 summer and 1 6 months: Perfect for summer work for some juniors and/or graduating seniors. These are great positions that provide valuable on-the job skills for those interested in a career in natural resources and/or education!
Summary:- Natural Resource Aide – one 6 month position (timing is flexible), must be 18+ because of work with mowers and other machinery
- Conservation Aide – two spring/summer positions (timing is flexible), must be 18+ because of work with mowers and other machinery
- Summer Recreation Intern – two summer positions (Mid – June through 1st week of August), 16+, ***This job is an 8:30 am – 2 pm position that is PERFECT for students in summer sports. The Summer Recreation program happens from 9-noon every day so there is a lot of flexibility for those that want to work but need to get to practice in the afternoon.
Naturalist Intern – one summer position (Mid-End of May through early August) must be 18+ because of driving county vehicles
All job postings and application information can be found here: Louisa County Conservation Jobs
** Scholarships **
- Please visit Scholarships for a list of available scholarships. (newest scholarships are listed at the end of the document)
** Silver Cord Opportunities/Volunteer Opportunities **
- River City Showcase: It’s just about time for the River City Showcase and we need your help!
Do you need hours for Silver Cord, NHS, Tri-M or Key Club? We can use your help on Friday, January 13 and/or Saturday, January 14.- On Friday, we can use help from 4:30PM until approximately 11:00PM.
- On Saturday, we need help from 7:30AM until approximately 11:30PM, or anytime in between.
This does NOT have to be an all-day commitment! If you are able to volunteer for a few hours we have places just for you!
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the Google Form linked below!
River City Showcase Volunteer Sign-up
If you have questions, contact either Gail Ryan or Kara Phelps, by text or email:
Gail: 563-299-8760 gailryanrcs@gmail.com or Kara Phelps: 563-613-2108 kphelps26@yahoo.com
- Madison Elementary School Carnival – January 20, 2023. Volunteers are needed for set up and also handle running games, helping with registration and other various jobs starting at 3:30PM. The carnival runs from 5-7PM on January 20. If interested in volunteering, please contact Elise Hepker at hepkere@gmail.com
- Silver Cord Program: Students recording hours of volunteer service during their years at MHS will be awarded a Silver Cord to wear at graduation. In order for volunteer hours to count towards a Silver Cord, students must complete the online form to verify. Silver Cord Form
Service qualifies for Silver Cord recognition if:- The student is not paid for the service
The student does not receive credit for the service.
The service is not for the purpose of fundraising for a group/activity/team that the student participates in.
*140 hours are required for students in the Class of 2021, 2022 and 2023.
*160 hours are required for students graduating in the Class of 2024.
** Yearbook Information **
- MHS Yearbook Sales: $56 Deadline to order is May 1, 2023 Yearbook Order Information
- 2021-22 Yearbook Distribution Info: Students/families who purchased a Yearbook (The Auroran) from the 2021-22 school year, Yearbooks will be available for pick up at the Attendance Center. There are a limited number of 2021-22 yearbooks that can be purchased on a first-come, first serve basis for $56 at the Attendance Center.
- Did you or someone you know attend Muscatine High School during the 2012 through 2015 school years? If so, this is your chance to purchase a yearbook that reflects those school years and memories! Each yearbook is $20 until sold out. All proceeds go back into the Yearbook Club to purchase new equipment and expand the program for students. To purchase, call the Activities Office at Muscatine High School at (563) 263-6141 and ask for Mindy.
** Keep informed on what is going on at MHS! **
Activities/Athletics: | RSchool Today |
Announcements: | MHS News |
Facebook: | MHS Facebook Page |
Twitter: | @Muscatine HS @MuskieActivitie
Instagram: | @Muscatine HS |
Snapchat: | Muscatine HS |
Student Handbook: | MCSD Student Handbk |
Curriculum Guide: | 2022-23 Curriculum Guide |