Board Policy 502.7 Transportation Discipline & Board Policy 502.7R Transportation Discipline – Administrative Regulations

Transportation A Privilege Not A Right

Each transported student has the right to a safe and enjoyable ride to and from school which is free from intimidation, threat, or harassment. Good conduct of all transported students while waiting for the school bus and while traveling to and from school is primary for a safe and enjoyable ride for all students.

The School District has established student behavior guidelines which apply to all transported students while on the school bus and while in school bus loading or unloading areas. Each individual student, as well as his/her parents, or guardians, is responsible for the behavior of that student while on the school bus and in school bus loading or unloading areas.

Transportation service is a privilege that is granted to the student contingent upon the exhibition of proper behavior according to District behavioral guidelines. A student’s eligibility to ride the school bus may be suspended or revoked for a violation of school bus safety or conduct policies, or for violation of any other law or policy governing student conduct on a school bus.

Revocation of a student’s bus riding privileges is not considered an exclusion, expulsion, or suspension from school.

Parents of transported students will be held responsible for their children until such times as the student boards the school bus in the morning and after the child leaves the bus at the end of the school day. Parents also share responsibility with the child for his/her conduct while on the school bus and while in school bus loading or unloading areas.

Students who are involved in serious or repeated incidents of unacceptable student conduct on the school bus will have their riding privileges suspended or revoked. The parent/guardian of a student suspended from transportation is responsible for ensuring that the student travels safely to and from school. The District will not provide alternative transportation to a student whose transportation privileges have been suspended or revoked. In addition, unacceptable conduct on the school bus or at the school bus stop may result in suspension or expulsion from school.

* Decisions regarding special education students will take into account related disabilities and individual education requirements pertaining to transportation.

Danger Zone

Students who must cross the street must wait for the signal from the bus driver and must walk 10 feet out from the bumper of the school bus. This places them outside the danger zone surrounding the school bus. Students must always remain where the driver can see them.

Pushing or shoving another student, chasing or running beside a moving school bus, or failure to follow safe riding procedure is a Class II offense with consequent suspension or loss of transportation privileges.

Unacceptable Behavior

Class I Offenses

  1. Possession of a handgun, knife, or other weapon.
  2. Possession of ammunition.
  3. Detonation of a pyrotechnic device on the school bus.
  4. Possession of alcohol or non-prescription drugs.
  5. Assault on the school bus driver.
  6. Attempting to ride on the outside of the school bus.
  7. Bringing a flammable liquid onto the school bus.
  8. Pushing or shoving another student at, or near, a moving school bus.
  9. Running out in front of a moving school bus.
  10. Violent assault on another student.
  11. Tampering with, or vandalism (in excess of $50) of, the school bus.
  12. Opening any emergency exit, or exiting, or attempting to exit, from a moving school bus.

* If flammable liquid is for a school project, student must notify the driver in advance and take the precautions advised by the driver.

Class II Offense

  1. Threatening the school bus driver.
  2. Interfering with a police officer, District administrator, or safety supervisor.
  3. Use of tobacco.
  4. Ignition of any type of fire, including matches and lighters.
  5. Physical aggression, or the threat of physical aggression, against another person.
  6. Fighting.
  7. Theft or robbery.
  8. Possession of a pyrotechnic device.
  9. Possession of a look-a-like weapon.
  10. Tampering with emergency equipment including 8 light system, radio, and emergency exits.
  11. Extending head, arms, or legs out of window while the bus in motion.
  12. Chasing, or running beside, a moving bus.
  13. Throwing or shooting an object, or objects, at the bus driver or out of the bus window.
  14. Distracting the school bus driver.
  15. Bringing dangerous objects onto the school bus (other than weapons or flammable liquids.) *
  16. Riding while under suspension of transportation privileges.
  17. Pushing or shoving another student in the school bus Danger Zone.
  18. Willful damage to property at the school bus stop.
  19. Willful damage to the property of other students.
  20. Unacceptable sexual conduct.
  21. False identification or refusal to provide the driver with the student’s name.
  22. Failure to follow safe crossing procedures.
  23. Vandalism of the school bus.

* Dangerous object by use, not necessarily by design.

Class III Offenses

  1. Throwing or shooting objects around the school bus.
  2. Failure to follow the driver’s instructions.
  3. Standing while the school bus is in motion.
  4. Failure to cross ten feet in front of the bus.
  5. Use of obscene or profane gestures or language.
  6. Harassment in any form.
  7. Riding on a bus other than the assigned route.
  8. Boarding or exiting other than the assigned stop.
  9. Shouting, yelling, screaming, or excessive noise.
  10. Tripping a student.
  11. Blocking the school bus aisle.
  12. Spitting.
  13. Horseplay.
  14. Possession of a lighter or matches.
  15. Possession of squirt guns, water balloons, liquid containers of any type, shaving cream, or eggs. Possession of cap guns, or other obviously toy weapons.

Due to the fact that we can not predict all possible violations, any violation not spoken to will be evaluated on a case by case process. This Administrative review will determine the class of the violation.

Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior

Incidents of unacceptable student conduct on or near a school bus, or at the school bus stop, are divided into Class I, II, III offenses, depending on the severity of the incident. The consequences to be applied include:

Class I Offenses (Most Serious Offenses)

First Offense:
Loss of bus service for the remainder of the school year. *

Class II Offenses (Serious)

First Offense:
Written Warning and 1-5 day suspension of transportation privileges, written notification of parent/guardian, and in-building disciplinary consequences if no suspension of transportation privileges.

Second Offense:
3-5 day suspension of transportation privileges and parent conference.

Third Offense:
10 day suspension of transportation privileges and parent conference. Must attend Saturday Safety Class.

Fourth Offense:
30 day suspension of transportation privileges and parent conference. Must attend Saturday Safety Class with parent / guardian.

Fifth Offense:
Loss of transportation privileges for remainder of year. *

Class III Offenses

First Offense:
Written warning and 0-5 day suspension of transportation privileges, written notification of parent/guardian, and in building disciplinary consequences if no suspension of transportation privileges.

Second Offense:
3-5 day suspension of transportation privileges and parent conference.

Third Offense:
10 day suspension of transportation privileges and parent conference. Must attend Saturday Safety Class.

Fourth Offense:
30 day suspension of transportation privileges and parent conference. Must attend Saturday Safety Class with parent / guardian.

Fifth Offense:
Loss of transportation privileges for remainder of year. *

If a student commits offenses of different classes during the same incident, the consequences associated with the more serious class of offense will be applied.

Each student when required to attend a District school bus safety class must successfully demonstrate knowledge of the school bus safety competencies required under the Muscatine School Safety Program within 5 school days following the completion of any suspension of transportation privileges. Failure to attend school bus safety class, or failure to demonstrate knowledge of the required school bus safety competencies, shall result in denial of transportation until the student has successfully completed the class and demonstrated the required competencies.

The parent/guardian will be responsible for enrolling the student in the Saturday Class by calling the Transportation Center at 263-7288. (To return to the top of this document)

Under normal circumstances students will not be allowed to attend Saturday School bus safety class more than two times.

* Loss of transportation for the remainder of the year is classified as a minimum of 60 school days. In the event of less than 60 school days left, the remainder of the suspension will be served in subsequent years.