** Daily News & Information ** Home of the Muskies!
MHS Hours: 7:45AM-3:45PM Monday-Friday 2021-2022 MHS Bell Schedules
MHS Phone #: 563-263-6143
MHS phone system and menu. Please listen to the menu to select the proper department. For Spanish assistance please press 5.
- Press 1 – Attendance (or call directly at 563-263-6616)
- Press 2 – Student Services, Transcripts and Grade Level Counselors
- Press 3 – MHS Nurse
- Press 4 – Athletics
- Press 5 – Spanish Assistance
- For all other calls, please stay on the line or press 0 for assistance or to leave a voicemail.
Announcements in Green – New
Announcements in Blue – Previous Day
Announcements in Black – 2 Days or older by request
MONDAY, MARCH 7 4:00 PM – 7:30 PM
WED., MARCH 9 4:00 PM – 7:30 PM
THURS., MARCH 10 1:45 PM – 3:45 PM
- MHS 1st Semester Honor Roll: 2021-22-MHS 1st Semester Honor Roll
- 9th-12th Grade Girls: WINTER THAW DRESSES: Need a dress for the dance? We’ve got a great selection to choose from! Stop in Rm 12-018 during LUNCH TIME starting TODAY, Wednesday, March 2nd thru Friday, March 4th. All dresses are FREE!
- Juniors & Seniors: Prom formal wear (dresses-long & short, shoes, pants, shirts, suit coats) are available at the MHS Prom Pop-Up Shop. The best part is that they are FREE! We’ve got a great selection to choose from! Contact Mrs. Borde to set up an appt. or if you have any questions.
- Scholarship Opportunity: Muscatine LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) has a scholarship open till March 31st. LULAC Muscatine Scholarship Application – Deadline for application is March 31st. If anyone has any questions, they can contact the Muscatine LULAC President Nick Salazar, nicksalazar62@gmail.com
- Sophomore and Junior Students: Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA):
Who is eligible?
Iowa RYLA 2022: High School Sophomores or Juniors (2021-22 school year) may apply.
Generally, the applicants who are selected have excelled in one or more areas of high school involvement and have proven leadership experience or shown leadership potential.
Dates and Place: Next RYLA: 2:30 PM, Sunday, July 17 through Noon, Friday, July 22, 2022, at Grinnell College.
It is vital that the conferee stay through the entire conference! The objectives of RYLA are:
- To encourage and assist youth leaders and potential leaders in methods of responsible and effective leadership by providing them with a training experience.
- To encourage continued and stronger leadership of youth by youth
- To publicly recognize the outstanding qualities of many young people who are rendering service to their schools and communities as leaders
- The entire focus of RYLA is to provide foundational leadership skills for teenagers. It has been said that leadership cannot be taught, but it must be learned. At RYLA there are opportunities to learn leadership skills through experiential activities, incredible speakers, small group discussions, large group presentations, and in building life-long friendships.
More information and the application can be found at the following link.
About RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (iowaryla.org)
If you have questions, please contact Mike Wedell at mike.wedell@bayer.com
The deadline for applying is March 31st.
- Silver Cord Opportunity: Laurie Schroeder at Susan Clark Junior High is looking for volunteers to assist in organizing, sorting supplies, or helping other students with reading or math for the class. Volunteers are needed from 8:30-11:30 then from 1:00-3:30 daily. If interested, please contact Laurie Schroeder at laurie.schroeder@mcsdonline.org
- MHS Talent Show: MHS Key Club is again hosting an MHS Talent Show. The Talent Show will be held Thursday, March 10th from 8:30-10:30am (with the early out schedule, this will include 1st-4th periods). Proceeds from the Talent Show will be donated to charity – this is our biggest philanthropic event each year. Tickets will go on sale Monday, March 7 during lunch. $5 per ticket
Note: Students that are performing in the talent show can purchase tickets for their family/parents from Mrs. Keltner in the library starting today, March 2nd. - Host an International Student! Bring the world into your home!
We are seeking families to host international high school students at Muscatine High School for the 2022-2023 school year. Be a host family and delight in experiencing other cultures, sharing your traditions, and seeing the world differently. Learn more about short-term and long-term hosting options (3 or 6-9 months) through Rotary International or AFS-USA by contacting Krista Regennitter, kristar@stanleycenter.org or 563-299-3602. Short-term hosting commitments are needed by March 31, 2022. GE Rotary Hosting Flyer 2022 - TONIGHT! Come join in the fun and support the Senior Survivor Teams as the being their weeklong journey and compete in the community challenges!
- Entry Fee: $5 OR free with an activity pass
- Students: Enter a raffle at the door for a chance to win a gift card to Black Pearl, The Coffee Belt, Scooter’s Coffee, or Big Cats!
Wednesday, March 2nd: Community event at 6:00 pm in the MHS Main Gym.Thursday, March 3rd: Community event at 6:00 pm in the VanHecke center.Friday, March 4th: Closing ceremonies will take place at 4:00 pm in the Commons where winners will be announced.Senior Survivor Teams This Year:
- Karly Ricketts and Scout Schmelzer raising money for Relay for Life – American Cancer Society – wear blue to support
- Gracelyn Kies and Logan Wolf raising money for Flickenger Learning Center – wear yellow to support
- Paige Mathias and Kiley Randoll raising money for Micaela’s Hope – wear purple to support
- Grace Bode and Grant Bode raising money for Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City – wear red to support
- Emma Yerington and Aidan Schrader raising money for Micaela’s Hope – wear black to support
- REMINDER: Students – If you have an appointment with your grade level counselor to schedule classes next year, it is your responsibility to go to the Student Service office at your scheduled appointment time. If you have not scheduled an appt., please use the links below. Parents are welcome to attend the scheduling session with their student. 2022-23 Curriculum Guide (Students will use this guide to assist them in selecting classes for next school year.)
- Class of 2023 – Ms. Wolfe
Ms. Wolfe Course Selection Appointment Link - Class of 2024 – Mr. Kulland
Mr. Kulland Course Selection Appointment Link - Class of 2025 – Ms. Russell
Ms. Russell Course Selection Appointment Link - Mrs. Hawkins – College and Career
MCC Enrollments April 4th-21st, 2022
Mrs. Hawkins MCC Registration Appointment Link - TICKETS ON SALE THIS WEEK DURING LUNCH – $10 EACH! Winter Thaw Dance: Saturday, March 5, 2022 from 8-10PM in the Van Hecke Center. Tickets are $10 and will be on sale the week of Feb. 28th in front of Student Services. No outside guests will be allowed.
- MHS Winter Band Concert will be held on Friday, March 4 at 7PM in the MHS Auditorium.
- CAPE Parent/Guardian Volunteers Needed & CAPE Donation Information: CAPE Volunteer & Donations Info
- Lost & Found: Lost an item? Water Bottle, jewelry, earbuds, phone? Check at the Attendance Center and see if it was turned in!
- Athletic/Activities Information Section: Spring Sport Sign-ups – Girls’ Golf, Soccer, Boys/Girls Tennis
- New! Class of 2022 Information – See Class of 2022 Information below
- Employment Opportunities: See Employment Opportunities Section below.
- New Scholarships Added! Scholarships: 2021-22 Scholarship List & Info
(These scholarships are not part of the Muscatine Community Foundation packet) - Silver Cord Opportunities: See Silver Cord Section below for all opportunities!
- SIGN UP NEEDED! Agriculture Academy Information Session RSVP: On Wednesday, March 2nd, the instructors from the MCC Agriculture Academy will be here to meet with interested students. This will be a great way for MHS students to meet the instructors and ask questions. If you are interested in learning more, please RSVP to join us during Muskie Time in the STEM room (15-111). Sign Up Here for the Agriculture Academy Info Session – MT March 2nd
- Silver Cord Opportunity: Rebuild Together Muscatine County is looking for volunteers to assist in building wheelchair ramps for our community for those people who put in an application. We build these ramps in sections and all sections are pre-built in our shop. Today we have quite the backlog of ramps, and in such, we could use help on building ramp sections. No skill level is needed as we will take any student and certainly guide them through the process keeping safety as a top-priority. We will provide the tools, the materials, and the instructions. It would be ideal if we were to set this up 4 students at a time, and we are flexible on day/time availability. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Alan Millage at alan.millage@kentww.com or call/text at 563-726-3433.
- FFA BANQUET will take place on Wednesday, March 3, 2022 starting at 6PM at the AG Center.
- Muskie Minutes- Season 2 Episode 22: https://youtu.be/l6ec-C0ozWQ
- 2022-23 Curriculum Guide: 2022-23 Curriculum Guide (Students will use this guide to assist them in selecting classes for next school year.)
- Vaping Communication: Vaping Communication
- Need a Tutor? If you are struggling in classes and are needing some help, please respond to this email by using the google form Please include your name, the class you are struggling in, and the teacher you have for that class. Tutoring can happen in Muskie Time. Before or after school. Fill out the google form to be entered for tutoring. https://forms.gle/dxR9XjTsuUKGjX6u9
- Vocal Dept. Dessert Concert will take place on Tuesday, March 22 in the Auditorium starting at 7PM. $5 Admission. No passes will be accepted.
- Race for the School Race Info – May 7, 2022: Race For the School Race Info
- Iowa Youth Institute 2022: Please plan to participate on Monday, April 25th for the 2022 Iowa Youth Institute held in partnership with Iowa State University! For every year of IYI participation, students will now receive a $1,000 scholarship redeemable for any of the majors outlined in the flyer on our web page! The scholarship maxes out at $4,000 so students are eligible to participate multiple years. Below are upcoming dates to help you prepare for next year’s event.
A limited number of spots are available for MHS Students. See Mr. Day Room 13-007 for more details. Iowa Challenge 2022 2022 Iowa Youth Institute Flyer - Talent Show: The MHS Talent Show is back and will now be hosted by Key Club will be held on Thursday, March 10th from 8:30-10:30am. Ticket sale information to be provided at a later date.
- Driver’s Ed: To register for upcoming Driver’s Ed sessions, please visit: mbaea.org/student-programs/driver-education
- Buy/Pre-Order YOUR 2021-2022 Yearbook – $56! (The Auroran 2021-2022): 2021-22 Yearbook Info Deadline to order is May 11, 2022.
- Middle School and High School Art Exhibit and Cash Prizes through Sister Cities: For complete details, visit: Middle School and High School Art Exhibit and Cash Prizes through Sister Cities
- Parents: SMS Text Opt In Feature for School Messenger: SMS_Text Opt-In Flyer/Instructions
- MHS Parents & Students: The Powerschool Mobile App is a great resource to have! Mobile App Instructions
- Lost & Found: Lost an item? Water Bottle, jewelry, earbuds, phone? Check at the Attendance Center and see if it was turned in!
- Google Classroom: All high school staff use Google Classroom to display assigned work. If your child is missing from school, they can always access their work via Google Classroom. As a parent/guardian, you can request your student’s teachers to add you to their assignment list so that you will have “View Only” access.
- Meal Viewer Link Students & Parents can look at the menus online for MHS. There is nutrient information as well as allergen information. There is also an app available for cell phones.
** Class of 2022 Information **
- Seniors: Scholarship deadlines are fast approaching. See Mrs. Hawkins for assistance!
1. If you have not yet filed your FAFSA, this needs to be done as soon as possible.
2. The MCC foundation packet is due on March 1st.
3. The Muscatine Community Foundation local packet is due on March 11th.
4. The financial aid priority deadlines for many institutions are coming fast.
Please schedule a time to see Mrs. Hawkins if you have any questions or need any assistance at all. Give yourself as many opportunities as possible! - Jostens will be at school on Wednesday, March 23rd to deliver your graduation items (not your cap and gowns) during Lunch outside of student services. This will be the only day that Jostens will be here for distribution. If you have a balance due, please note that cash or money orders are the only forms of payment accepted. If you have any questions or would like to pay by credit card prior to delivery day, please call 1-800-JOSTENS (567-8367). If you haven’t already ordered your cap and gown, please stop by Student Services for further information and instructions.
- Post-Graduation Survey in PowerSchool. This survey will take about a minute to complete and you are required to complete it in order to pick up your cap and gown. Please take a quick moment and complete this survey.
- Due Date March 11, 2022 by Noon! Seniors: The local scholarship packet is now open online and accessible to you. The link to the portal is included in the instructions. If you have questions as you finish up, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Hawkins. Lots of great opportunities! 2022 Muscatine Community Foundation Local Scholarship Instructions
- Seniors: If you have not ordered a cap and gown for Graduation, please do so by February 18th. They can be ordered online at Jostens.com If you have any questions, please stop in Student Services and see Mrs. Meeker or Mrs. Meineke.
- Senior financial obligations will be posted outside of the Athletics and Activities Office by student number. These obligations include all outstanding financial obligations to date. Any unreturned supplies or equipment before the end of the year could result in a higher obligation. Senior obligations need to be paid at the Attendance Office prior to graduation in order for students to participate in the graduation ceremony. If the obligations are a burden to your family or if you have any questions, please contact Wendi Schmelzer at (563) 263-7223 ext. 1012 to discuss payment arrangements.
Note: You/your parent/guardian will need to login to PowerSchool>InTouchReceipting to locate your obligation balance. InTouch Receipting Instructions - Graduation: May 22, 2022 @ 2PM in the MHS Stadium.
** Athletics/Activities Information **
- Boys Soccer Sign-up: If you are planning to play Muskie Boys Soccer this Spring, use this link to get signed up. https://forms.gle/yfcLSCSngx74FVzH6
- Boys and Girls Soccer Player/Parent Meeting – Thursday March 3, 2022 from 6-7PM in Rm 15-111 STEM Room-use Commons/Science doors to enter. Boys/Girls Player/Parent Meeting Info
- Girls’ Soccer: This is a reminder for all girls soccer players that if you are interested in playing this spring please sign up this week. Open gym this weekend will be Saturday 2/19 from 11am-12:30pm in the Chuck Van Hecke Center. There is less than one month before the first official practice. Please contact Coach Arceo if you have any questions. https://forms.gle/qtDP5462ygefoPfw8
- Girls’ Golf Sign-up: If you are interested in participating in Girls Golf this spring, please use the form below to sign up. Scott Schultz will be the Head Girls Golf coach this season. https://forms.gle/Gha5QcrKd28XhnaP7
- 2022 Girls Track Sign-up Form: If you would like to participate in MHS Girls Track this season, please use the link below to get signed up. It is very important to sign up in advance so that the coaches know you are coming out, and they can keep you informed.https://forms.gle/skjXrXnYrYEM6ke6A
Required paperwork to participate in Girls Track:- A valid physical (Mrs. Stoltzfus can tell you if your physical is still valid if you don’t know)
- A signed Concussion form
- A signed Parent Permission form
- All forms are outside the AD office if you need them
- Girls’ Soccer Sign-up and Information: Anyone that is planning on going out for girls soccer this spring please use the form below to get signed up. https://forms.gle/qtDP5462ygefoPfw8
- Girls’ & Boys’ Tennis Sign-up: If you plan to go out for Boys or Girls Tennis this Spring, please use the form to sign up. https://forms.gle/jdDjyp9fRcJoKmPh8
- Athletic Punch Pass/Card for adults are $40 and can be purchased at the MHS Attendance Center or at the gate during events. This Punch Card allows you 10 admissions into all sporting events except regional & state competitions, most vocal, orchestra, and band events, and the fall drama production.
- Student Activity Passes are available for sale at the Attendance Center for $50. This pass allows you admission into all sporting events except regional & state competitions, most vocal, orchestra, and band events, and the fall drama production.
- Visit MHS Official Activities Site for updates to schedules, rosters & directions.
- Follow @MuskieAD on Twitter for MHS activities & athletic updates and information.
- Athletic Forms: Parent Permission Form Concussion Form Physical Form
** College/Military Visits **
- Please check back for College/Military Visits.
** Employment Opportunities **
- Employment Opportunity: Cove Equipment in Moscow, Columbus City, and Conroy is hiring Service Technicians, Ag Mechanics, and Small Engine Technicians. If interested, please contact Mr. Welsch in Student Services. Cove Equipment is Hiring!
- Apprenticeship Opportunity – Heat & Frost Insulators Apprenticeship Program:
We are seeking applicants to interview on March 15, 2022 to start an apprenticeship with the Heat & Frost Insulators Apprenticeship Program. Attached is a copy of our announcement sheet, wage sheet & application. We will be starting a new apprenticeship class in early April. If a High School student applies and is accepted we can accommodate a later start date to allow them to finish High School. The announcement sheet explains requirements and has contact info if anyone has questions. Please contact Mr. Welsch in Student Services at brandon.welsch@mcsdonline.org if you are interested. Heat & Frost Insulators Apprenticeship Info & Application - Part Time Work Opportunity for High School Students at HON and Allsteel.
HNI Furniture Operation – High School Program
Please email Mr. Welsch at brandon.welsch@mcsdonline.org if interested. - Lutheran Living Senior Campus is Hiring Culinary Aids: Must be 16 years old, flexible hours- usually 4-7 weekdays and weekends (not sure of the times) sign-on bonus and generous attendance bonus. Starts at around $12.00/hour, the attendance bonus is $3.00/hour for being on time and not calling off to work. Contact Angie Silva at 563-272-2115 if interested.
** Forms **
- School Locker Request (not PE): Student Locker Request Form
- Transcripts: To request an official transcript from Muscatine High School, please use the link below to make your request. Official transcripts are sent directly from our MHS Registrar’s Office. Muscatine High School Transcript Request Link
- Silver Cord Form: Students recording hours of volunteer service during their years at MHS will be awarded a Silver Cord to wear at graduation. In order for volunteer hours to count towards a Silver Cord, STUDENTS must complete the online form to verify. Silver Cord Form
- ALL STUDENTS DRIVING TO SCHOOL: ALL students driving to school will need to complete a Vehicle Registration Form for a new MHS Parking Tag. This parking tag will be used for until the Class of 2025 graduates. The form is available online Vehicle Registration Form, MHS Attendance or Student Services office. Completed forms should be returned to the Student Services office. Students with a new MHS Parking can park in the Bonnie Dr. or Cedar St. parking lots.
- DOT Minor School License Form: DOT Minor School License Form Forms are available in the MHS Main Office – Rm-11-001. (You must have completed Driver’s Ed in order to submit this form.) Instructions: Please complete Sections 1 and 3. (Leave Section 2 blank) and return to the Main Office.
** Fundraisers **
- Muskie Store is Open! The district has partnered with Phelps Custom Apparel to offer our staff, families, and community Muskie Apparel! This online store does not close meaning that it remains open for all of your Muskie clothing needs throughout the year.
Go to: Phelps Muskie Store and check it out! - Jostens Muskie School Store: Do you want Muskie Spirit Wear/Accessories or to give as a gift?
Visit Jostens Muskie School Store
** Scholarships **
- Please visit Scholarships for a list of available scholarships. (newest scholarships are listed at the end of the document)
** Silver Cord Opportunities/Volunteer Opportunities **
- Volunteers are wanted to tutor/mentor Ms. Nietfeldt’s 5th grade students at Mulberry Elementary in various types of class work. The times that work best for Ms. Nietfeldt are Monday through Friday from 10:15 – 11:15AM and 11:30 – 11:50AM. If interested, please email her at maddison.nietfeldt@mcsdonline.org
- Lutheran Living is looking for volunteers. If interested or for more information, please contact Taylor Carey-Murdock at TCarey-Murdock@lutheran-living.org or at (563) 272-2124.
- Rebuild Together Muscatine County is looking for volunteers to assist in building wheelchair ramps for our community for those people who put in an application. We build these ramps in sections and all sections are pre-built in our shop. Today we have quite the backlog of ramps, and in such, we could use help on building ramp sections. No skill level is needed as we will take any student and certainly guide them through the process keeping safety as a top-priority. We will provide the tools, the materials, and the instructions. It would be ideal if we were to set this up 4 students at a time, and we are flexible on day/time availability. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Alan Millage at alan.millage@kentww.com or call/text at 563-726-3433.
- Silver Cord Program: Students recording hours of volunteer service during their years at MHS will be awarded a Silver Cord to wear at graduation. In order for volunteer hours to count towards a Silver Cord, students must complete the online form to verify. Silver Cord Form
Service qualifies for Silver Cord recognition if:- The student is not paid for the service
The student does not receive credit for the service.
The service is not for the purpose of fundraising for a group/activity/team that the student participates in.
*140 hours are required for students in the Class of 2021, 2022 and 2023.
*160 hours are required for students graduating in the Class of 2024.
** Yearbook Information **
- Pre-Order YOUR 2021-22 Yearbook – $56! (The Auroran 2021-2022): 2021-22 Yearbook Info
- Yearbooks: If you would like to purchase an MHS 2020-21 yearbook, cost is $56.
- Did you or someone you know attend Muscatine High School during the 2012 through 2015 school years? If so, this is your chance to purchase a yearbook that reflects those school years and memories! Each yearbook is $20 until sold out. All proceeds go back into the Yearbook Club to purchase new equipment and expand the program for students. To purchase, call the Activities Office at Muscatine High School at (563) 263-6141 and ask for Mindy.
** Keep informed on what is going on at MHS! **
Activities/Athletics: | RSchool Today |
Announcements: | MHS News |
Facebook: | MHS Facebook Page |
Twitter: | @Muscatine HS @MuskieAD
Instagram: | @Muscatine HS |
Snapchat: | Muscatine HS |
Student Handbook: | MCSD Student Handbk |
Curriculum Guide: | 2022-23 Curriculum Guide |