1:1 Frequent Questions
Students & Families
What does 1:1 mean?
The 1:1 (one to one) initiative provides each student with access to their own computer, free of charge, for 24/7 educational use.
Why is the district pursuing a 1:1 environment for our students?
Our vision is to have technology seamlessly integrated into the teaching and learning environments to develop 21st Century Skills for all of our students.
What will my child receive?
- Each 6th-8th grader will receive a white MacBook laptop, charger with extension cable, and carrying case.
- Each 9th-12th grader will receive a MacBook air, charger with extension cable, and carrying case.
- Students are expected to have the above materials with them every day at school and follow the expectations further outlined in the student handbook.
Can my child access inappropriate websites?
- Content filtering will provide a layer of security both on the school network and off-campus networks.
- Parents have the right to refuse off-campus access.
What are my responsibilities if my child’s computer is damaged or lost?
If a device is damaged, the school must be notified immediately. Fines are based on the “Cooperative Loss Program” scale below.
- First Incident – up to $100
- Second Incident – up to $200
- Third Incident (and beyond) – $250
Lost or stolen devices will be assessed the full $250 and the student may lose the right to take future devices home.
Damaged or lost power adapters are the responsibility of the student.
To ensure that your device charges properly, the replacement power adapter needs to be OEM.
The District does sell discounted OEM power adapters at the building.
- Power Adapter (Main Section and does not include extension) – $40
- Extension portion of cable – $7
Note: You only need to purchase the extension portion of the cable if the one you have is damaged or missing.
We’ve provided some links directly to the manufacturer below for your convenience, if you’d rather buy from them directly. You may also be able to buy replacement chargers at local re-sellers such as Radio Shack or Walmart.
Please have your student check with their building Tech PRIOR to purchasing anything so that the damaged or non-functioning parts can be assessed and the proper replacement part recommended.
- Apple 45W MagSafe Power Adapter for 11″ MacBook Air = $79 (must be OEM)
- Apple 60W MagSafe Power Adapter for 13″ White MacBook = $79 (must be OEM)
Replacement bags are also the responsibility of the student. (STM Laptop Sleeve bags in black/green color.
- STM 11″ Macbook Air sleeve bag = $25 aprox
- STM 13″ White Macbook Sleeve bag = $36 aprox
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Refer to the MCSD Student 1:1 Handbook (and on each student laptop).
Please send any questions to 1to1@muscatineschools.org.